(FTU) Custom for Zairenzu
created by:AnsuCodes
Custom ColorsMixed ColorsBootstrapHTMLCharacter
<!-- ================================================================================ Custom for Zairenzu, they want it to be a FTU code so please thank them for their generosity! :D Please let me know if you have any questions or need help. I tried including notes that might help you with coding / editing. You can delete them and these notes if you want to My socials: https://linktr.ee/ansuperope Can: - edit / frakenstein - share with friends and other people - can move or edit credits as long as it's somewhere Cannot: - use for AI trianing / learning - upload to mass distribute it / upload as a template for others to use. (If you want to do that please let me know first.) - remove credits PREVIEW: https://toyhou.se/28207163.ftu-custom-for-zairenzu CODE LINK: https://stor8.vercel.app/159 https://pastebin.com/JmEhTMRf - - - Use "Ctrl" + "F" to find, edit and replace things easier You might need to delete boostrap colors in order to use custom colors and vice versa. You can use a mix of both BOOTSTRAP COLORS - HEADERS: text-primary - SECONDARY TEXT: text-muted - BORDERS: card-outline-primary CUSTOM COLORS - HEADERS: #CC_HEAD - SECONDARY TEXT: #CC_SECOND - BORDER: #CC_BORDER FONTS - HEADERS: 'Georgia' JUMP TO FILL OUT - GENERAL: LOREM - IMAGES: LOREM_IMAGE - LINKS: LOREM_LINK - - - RESOURCES Live Code Editor (Shows How Code will Look as You Type, Recommend Using) https://th.circlejourney.net/ Help Thread https://toyhou.se/~forums/16.htmlcss-graphics/48845.-help-thread-ask-your-questions-here-?page=0 Get Hex Color https://imagecolorpicker.com/ Bootstrap Colors https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/utilities/colors/ Web Safe Fonts https://www.w3schools.com/csSref/css_websafe_fonts.php Icons https://fontawesome.com/search Bootstrap Spacing (px, py, my, mx, etc.) https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/utilities/spacing/ Columns / Widths (col, col-12, etc.) https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/layout/grid/#auto-layout-columns Object Fit (images) https://www.w3schools.com/csS/css3_object-fit.asp Object Postion (images) https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/object-position ================================================================================= --> <!-- START CODE =================================================================== = mx-auto = can delete. Will center code if you give it a width = = max-width:850px; = changes how wide the code is. If you want it to take the entire screen then = delete ================================================================================= --> <div class="mx-auto" style="max-width:850px;"> <!-- ===== TOP - AVATAR + SHORT ABOUT ========================================= = row no-gutters = don't delete or touch, allows avatar and about to be side by side = = align-items-center = can delete or change. Allows content (right side about) to be centered ============================================================================= --> <div class="row no-gutters align-items-center"> <!-- ========== LEFT SIDE - CHAR NAME + AVATAR ============================ = col-12 = width for mobile devices. Will take entire row, don't delete = = col-lg = width for large / computer devices. I don't recommend touching, it will = automatically change based off of right side width = = ml-lg-2 = left spacing for computer devices. Can change to be 1-5 or delete ========================================================================= --> <div class="col-12 col-lg ml-lg-2"> <!-- CHARACTER NAME =================================================== = text-center = centers text, can delete = = display-4 = font height. Can delete or change to be 1-4 with 1 being biggest = = text-capitalize = makes first letter of each word uppercase ===================================================================== --> <div class="text-center text-primary display-4 text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</div> <!-- AVATAR =========================================================== = mt-3 = top spacing for all devices (mobile and computer). Can change to be = 1-5 or delete = = mx-auto = side spacing for all devies. Makes image centered = = card = adds border to image = = rounded-circle = makes corners rounded like a circle. Must make height and = width the same in order for it to be a circle or else it will be = and oval = = background-size:cover; = don't recommend touching = = background-position:top center; = changes position of image. Can change to be top, right, bottom, = left or center. Don't delete = = background-repeat:no-repeat; = don't recommend touching, makes sure image doesn't repeat ===================================================================== --> <div class="mt-3 mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:250px; width:250px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; background-size:cover; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-image:url('LOREM_IMAGE');"> </div> </div> <!-- ========== END LEFT SIDE - CHAR NAME + PIC ========================= --> <!-- ========== RIGHT SIDE - SHORT ABOUT ================================== = col-12 = width for mobile devices. Will take entire row, don't delete = = col-lg-6 = width for large / computer devices. Can change to be 1-12 = = mt-4 = top spacing for mobile devices. Can change to be 1-5 or delete = = mt-lg-0 = top spacing for computer. Can change to be 1-5 or delete = = card = adds border, can delete. It's corners are rounded by 5px too = = rounded-0 = makes borders not rounded. Can delete for rounded corners = = py-2 = top and bottom space between border and text. Can change to be 1-5 or = delete = = px-3 = right and left space between border and text. Can change to be 1-5 or = delete ========================================================================= --> <div class="col-12 col-lg-6 mt-4 mt-lg-0"> <div class="card py-2 px-3 card-outline-primary rounded-0"> <!-- decor --> <!-- ===== NOTES ABOUT INFO ===================================== = row no-gutters = don't touch, allows text to be side by side = = col-auto = don't need to touch. Will automatically adjust width based off = of how long text is = = mr-2 = adds right spacing on all devices. Can change to be 1-5 or = delete = = text-capitalize = makes first letter of each word uppercase. Can delete = = col = you don't need to touch. Will automatically adjust width ================================================================= --> <!-- SPECIES --> <div class="row no-gutters"> <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">species:</div> <div class="col text-capitalize">LOREM</div> </div> <!-- LEVEL --> <div class="row no-gutters"> <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">level:</div> <div class="col">LOREM</div> </div> <!-- TYPE --> <div class="row no-gutters"> <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia';color:#CC_HEAD;">type:</div> <div class="col text-capitalize">LOREM</div> </div> <!-- ATTRIBUTE --> <div class="row no-gutters"> <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">attribute:</div> <div class="col text-capitalize">LOREM, LOREM</div> </div> <!-- FAMILY / FEILD --> <div class="row no-gutters"> <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">family / feild:</div> <div class="col text-capitalize"> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="text-muted">LOREM</a>, <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="text-muted">LOREM</a>, <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="text-muted">LOREM</a>, <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="text-muted">LOREM</a> </div> </div> <!-- ===== ADD MORE ABOVE HERE ================================== <div class="mt-2 row no-gutters"> <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM:</div> <div class="col text-capitalize">LOREM</div> </div> ================================================================= --> </div> <!-- end decor --> </div> <!-- ========== RIGHT SIDE - SHORT ABOUT ================================ --> </div> <!-- ===== END TOP - CHAR PIC + SHORT ABOUT ================================= --> <!-- border --> <hr class="my-4 card-outline-primary" style="border-color:#CC_BORDER;"> <!-- ===== DESCRIPTION / ABOUT SECTION ====================================== --> <div> <!-- HEADER --> <div class="mb-3 text-primary display-4 text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;"> <u>Description / about</u> </div> <p>LOREM</p> <p>LOREM</p> </div> <!-- ===== END DESCRIPTION / ABOUT SECTION ================================== --> <!-- border --> <hr class="my-4 card-outline-primary" style="border-color:#CC_BORDER;"> <!-- ===== ATTACKS SECTION ================================================== --> <div> <!-- HEADER --> <div class="mb-1 text-primary display-4 text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;"> <u>attacks</u> </div> <!-- ATTACK 1 --> <div class="mt-3 row no-gutters"> <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD; font-weight:600;">LOREM_ATTACK:</div> <div class="col text-muted">LOREM_EXTRA</div> <div class="col-12">LOREM</div> </div> <!-- ATTACK 2 --> <div class="mt-3 row no-gutters"> <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD; font-weight:600;">LOREM_ATTACK:</div> <div class="col text-muted">LOREM_EXTRA</div> <div class="col-12">LOREM</div> </div> <!-- ===== ADD MORE ABOVE HERE ========================================== <div class="mt-3 row no-gutters"> <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD; font-weight:600;">LOREM_ATTACK:</div> <div class="col text-muted">LOREM_EXTRA</div> <div class="col-12">LOREM_DESCRIPTION</div> </div> ========================================================================= --> </div> <!-- ===== END ATTACKS SECTION ============================================== --> <!-- border --> <hr class="my-4 card-outline-primary" style="border-color:#CC_BORDER;"> <!-- ===== FORM SECTION ===================================================== --> <div> <!-- HEADER --> <div class="mb-4 text-primary display-4 text-center text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;"> <u>form section</u> </div> <!-- ======== TAB BUTTONS =============================================== = row no-gutters = don't delete or touch, allows buttons to be side by side = = justify-content-center = centers buttons on small devices = = justify-content-lg-between = evenly spaces buttons on computer ========================================================================= --> <ul class="nav nav-pills text-capitalize row no-gutters justify-content-center justify-content-lg-between" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;"> <!-- ===== NOTE ABOUT BUTTONS ========================================= = href should have a # and should be different from one another = href should match an id in the tab contents below = = only one button should have active in it's class and that's the = button of the content you want to see first = it's matching id should have active in it's class = = card = adds border, can delete. It's corners are rounded by 5px too = = border-radius:0px; = changes border radius / roundness = = py-2 = top and bottom spacing between border and text. Can change to be = 1-5 or delete ===================================================================== --> <!-- ===== BUTTON 1 - ACTIVE - TAB_FRESH --> <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0"> <a href="#TAB_FRESH" data-toggle="tab" class="active nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">fresh</a> </li> <!-- ===== BUTTON 2 - TAB_INTRAINING =========================== --> <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0"> <a href="#TAB_INTRAINING" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2 text-" style="border-radius:0px;">in-training</a> </li> <!-- ===== BUTTON 3 - TAB_ROOKIES =========================== --> <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0"> <a href="#TAB_ROOKIES" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">rookie</a> </li> <!-- ===== BUTTON 4 - TAB_CHAMPION =========================== --> <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0"> <a href="#TAB_CHAMPION" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">champion</a> </li> <!-- ===== BUTTON 5 - TAB_ULTIMATE =========================== --> <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0"> <a href="#TAB_ULTIMATE" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">ultimate</a> </li> <!-- ===== BUTTON 6 - TAB_MEGA =========================== --> <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0"> <a href="#TAB_MEGA" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">mega</a> </li> <!-- ===== BUTTON 7 - TAB_SUPER =========================== --> <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0"> <a href="#TAB_SUPER" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">super ultimate</a> </li> <!-- ===== BUTTON 8 - TAB_ARMOR =========================== --> <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0"> <a href="#TAB_ARMOR" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">armor</a> </li> <!-- ===== BUTTON 9 - TAB_OTHER =========================== --> <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0"> <a href="#TAB_OTHER" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">other</a> </li> <!-- ===== ADD MORE ABOVE HERE ====================================== <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0"> <a href="#TAB_LOREM" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">LOREM</a> </li> ===================================================================== --> </ul> <!-- ======== END HEADERS / TAB BUTTONS ================================= --> <!-- ======== TAB CONTENT =============================================== --> <div class="tab-content pt-4 pb-3 px-3 card card-outline-primary rounded-0" style="border-color:#CC_BORDER;"> <!-- ===== NOTE ABOUT TABS ========================================== = id should NOT have a # and should be different from one another = id should match a href in the tab contents below = = only one tab should have active in it's class and that's the tab = you want to see first = it's matching button should have active in it's class ===================================================================== --> <!-- ===== COPY AND ADD MORE CHARACTERS IN TABS ===================== <div class="mx-auto flex-column col-auto"> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM</a> </div> ===================================================================== --> <!-- ========== TAB 1 - ACTIVE - TAB_FRESH ========================== --> <div id="TAB_FRESH" class="active tab-pane"> <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;"> <!-- CHAR 1 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 1 --> <!-- CHAR 2 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 2 --> <!-- CHAR 3 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 3 --> <!-- CHAR 4 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 4 --> <!-- CHAR 5 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 5 --> </div></div> </div> <!-- END TAB 1 - ACTIVE - TAB_FRESH ================================= --> <!-- ========== TAB 2 - TAB_INTRAINING ============================== --> <div id="TAB_INTRAINING" class="tab-pane fade"> <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;"> <!-- CHAR 1 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 1 --> <!-- CHAR 2 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 2 --> </div></div> </div> <!-- ========== END TAB 2 - TAB_INTRAINING ========================== --> <!-- ========== TAB 3 - TAB_ROOKIES ================================= --> <div id="TAB_ROOKIES" class="tab-pane fade"> <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;"> <!-- CHAR 1 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 1 --> <!-- CHAR 2 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 2 --> </div></div> </div> <!-- ========== END TAB 3 - TAB_ROOKIES ============================= --> <!-- ========== TAB 4 - TAB_CHAMPION ================================ --> <div id="TAB_CHAMPION" class="tab-pane fade"> <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;"> <!-- CHAR 1 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 1 --> </div></div> </div> <!-- ========== END TAB 4 - TAB_CHAMPION ============================ --> <!-- ========== TAB 5 - TAB_ULTIMATE ================================ --> <div id="TAB_ULTIMATE" class="tab-pane fade"> <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;"> <!-- CHAR 1 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 1 --> </div></div> </div> <!-- ========== END TAB 5 - TAB_ULTIMATE ============================ --> <!-- ========== TAB 6 - TAB_MEGA ==================================== --> <div id="TAB_MEGA" class="tab-pane fade"> <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;"> <!-- CHAR 1 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 1 --> </div></div> </div> <!-- ========== END TAB 6 - TAB_MEGA ================================ --> <!-- ========== TAB 7 - TAB_SUPER =================================== --> <div id="TAB_SUPER" class="tab-pane fade"> <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;"> <!-- CHAR 1 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 1 --> </div></div> </div> <!-- ========== END TAB 7 - TAB_SUPER =============================== --> <!-- ========== TAB 8 - TAB_ARMOR =================================== --> <div id="TAB_ARMOR" class="tab-pane fade"> <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;"> <!-- CHAR 1 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 1 --> </div></div> </div> <!-- ========== END TAB 8 - TAB_ARMOR =============================== --> <!-- ========== TAB 9 - TAB_OTHER =================================== --> <div id="TAB_OTHER" class="tab-pane fade"> <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;"> <!-- CHAR 1 --> <div class="flex-column col-auto"> <!-- avatar --> <a href="LOREM_LINK"> <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER; object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;" alt="" src="LOREM_IMAGE"> </a> <!-- char name --> <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a> </div> <!-- END CHAR 1 --> </div></div> </div> <!-- ========== END TAB 9 - TAB_OTHER =============================== --> <!-- ===== ADD MORE TABS ABOVE HERE ================================= <div id="LOREM" class="tab-pane fade"> <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;"> </div></div> </div> ===================================================================== --> </div> <!-- ======== END TAB CONTENT =========================================== --> </div> <!-- ===== END FORM SECTION ================================================= --> <!-- ===== CREDITS - FEEL FREE TO EDIT OR MOVE BUT DON'T DELETE ============= --> <div class="text-right"> <a href="https://toyhou.se/28207163.ftu-custom-for-zairenzu" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Code by Ansuperope"><i class="fa-solid fa-trash fa-2xs"></i></a> <a href="https://toyhou.se/Zairenzu" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Layout by Zairenzu"><i class="fa-solid fa-table-layout fa-2xs"></i></a> </div> <!-- ===== END CREDITS - FEEL FREE TO EDIT OR MOVE BUT DON'T DELETE ========= --> </div> <!-- END CODE =================================================================== -->