(FTU) Custom for Zairenzu

created by:AnsuCodes
Custom ColorsMixed ColorsBootstrapHTMLCharacter

Line Count: 835
<!-- ================================================================================

Custom for Zairenzu, they want it to be a FTU code so
please thank them for their generosity! :D

Please let me know if you have any questions or need help.
I tried including notes that might help you with coding /
editing. You can delete them and these notes if you want to
My socials: https://linktr.ee/ansuperope
    - edit / frakenstein
    - share with friends and other people
    - can move or edit credits as long as it's somewhere
    - use for AI trianing / learning
    - upload to mass distribute it / upload as
        a template for others to use. (If you want to
        do that please let me know first.)
    - remove credits

- - -
Use "Ctrl" + "F" to find, edit and replace things easier

You might need to delete boostrap colors in order to use
custom colors and vice versa. You can use a mix of both
     - HEADERS:         text-primary
     - SECONDARY TEXT:  text-muted
     - BORDERS:         card-outline-primary

     - HEADERS:         #CC_HEAD
     - BORDER:          #CC_BORDER
     - HEADERS:   'Georgia'
     - GENERAL:     LOREM
     - LINKS:       LOREM_LINK
- - -
    Live Code Editor (Shows How Code will Look as You Type, Recommend Using)
    Help Thread
    Get Hex Color
    Bootstrap Colors
    Web Safe Fonts
    Bootstrap Spacing (px, py, my, mx, etc.)
    Columns / Widths (col, col-12, etc.)
    Object Fit (images)
    Object Postion (images)
================================================================================= -->

<!-- START CODE ===================================================================
=   mx-auto
= can delete. Will center code if you give it a width
=   max-width:850px;
= changes how wide the code is. If you want it to take the entire screen then
= delete
================================================================================= -->
<div class="mx-auto" style="max-width:850px;">
    <!-- ===== TOP - AVATAR + SHORT ABOUT =========================================
    =   row no-gutters
    = don't delete or touch, allows avatar and about to be side by side
    =   align-items-center
    = can delete or change. Allows content (right side about) to be centered
    ============================================================================= -->
    <div class="row no-gutters align-items-center">
        <!-- ========== LEFT SIDE - CHAR NAME + AVATAR ============================
        =   col-12
        = width for mobile devices. Will take entire row, don't delete
        =   col-lg
        = width for large / computer devices. I don't recommend touching, it will
        = automatically change based off of right side width
        =   ml-lg-2
        = left spacing for computer devices. Can change to be 1-5 or delete
        ========================================================================= -->
        <div class="col-12 col-lg ml-lg-2">
            <!-- CHARACTER NAME ===================================================
            =   text-center
            = centers text, can delete
            =   display-4
            = font height. Can delete or change to be 1-4 with 1 being biggest
            =   text-capitalize
            = makes first letter of each word uppercase
            ===================================================================== -->
            <div class="text-center text-primary display-4 text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</div>
            <!-- AVATAR ===========================================================
            =   mt-3
            = top spacing for all devices (mobile and computer). Can change to be
            = 1-5 or delete
            =   mx-auto
            = side spacing for all devies. Makes image centered
            =   card
            = adds border to image
            =   rounded-circle
            = makes corners rounded like a circle. Must make height and
            = width the same in order for it to be a circle or else it will be
            = and oval
            =   background-size:cover;
            = don't recommend touching
            =   background-position:top center;
            = changes position of image. Can change to be top, right, bottom,
            = left or center. Don't delete
            =   background-repeat:no-repeat;
            = don't recommend touching, makes sure image doesn't repeat
            ===================================================================== -->
            <div class="mt-3 mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:250px; width:250px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                background-size:cover; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat;
        <!-- ========== END LEFT SIDE - CHAR NAME + PIC ========================= -->
        <!-- ========== RIGHT SIDE - SHORT ABOUT ==================================
        =   col-12
        = width for mobile devices. Will take entire row, don't delete
        =   col-lg-6
        = width for large / computer devices. Can change to be 1-12
        =   mt-4
        = top spacing for mobile devices. Can change to be 1-5 or delete
        =   mt-lg-0
        = top spacing for computer. Can change to be 1-5 or delete
        =   card
        = adds border, can delete. It's corners are rounded by 5px too
        =   rounded-0
        = makes borders not rounded. Can delete for rounded corners
        =   py-2
        = top and bottom space between border and text. Can change to be 1-5 or
        = delete
        =   px-3
        = right and left space between border and text. Can change to be 1-5 or
        = delete
        ========================================================================= -->
        <div class="col-12 col-lg-6 mt-4 mt-lg-0">
            <div class="card py-2 px-3 card-outline-primary rounded-0"> <!-- decor -->
                <!-- ===== NOTES ABOUT INFO =====================================
                =   row no-gutters
                = don't touch, allows text to be side by side
                =   col-auto
                = don't need to touch. Will automatically adjust width based off
                = of how long text is
                =   mr-2
                = adds right spacing on all devices. Can change to be 1-5 or
                = delete
                =   text-capitalize
                = makes first letter of each word uppercase. Can delete
                =   col
                = you don't need to touch. Will automatically adjust width 
                ================================================================= -->
                <!-- SPECIES -->
                <div class="row no-gutters">
                    <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">species:</div>
                    <div class="col text-capitalize">LOREM</div>
                <!-- LEVEL -->
                <div class="row no-gutters">
                    <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">level:</div>
                    <div class="col">LOREM</div>
                <!-- TYPE -->
                <div class="row no-gutters">
                    <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia';color:#CC_HEAD;">type:</div>
                    <div class="col text-capitalize">LOREM</div>
                <!-- ATTRIBUTE -->
                <div class="row no-gutters">
                    <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">attribute:</div>
                    <div class="col text-capitalize">LOREM, LOREM</div>
                <!-- FAMILY / FEILD -->
                <div class="row no-gutters">
                    <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">family / feild:</div>
                    <div class="col text-capitalize">
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="text-muted">LOREM</a>,
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="text-muted">LOREM</a>,
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="text-muted">LOREM</a>,
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="text-muted">LOREM</a>
                <!-- ===== ADD MORE ABOVE HERE ==================================
                <div class="mt-2 row no-gutters">
                    <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM:</div>
                    <div class="col text-capitalize">LOREM</div>
                ================================================================= -->
            </div> <!-- end decor -->
        <!-- ========== RIGHT SIDE - SHORT ABOUT ================================ -->
    <!-- ===== END TOP - CHAR PIC + SHORT ABOUT ================================= -->
    <!-- border -->
    <hr class="my-4 card-outline-primary" style="border-color:#CC_BORDER;">
    <!-- ===== DESCRIPTION / ABOUT SECTION ====================================== -->
        <!-- HEADER -->
        <div class="mb-3 text-primary display-4 text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">
            <u>Description / about</u>
    <!-- ===== END DESCRIPTION / ABOUT SECTION ================================== -->
    <!-- border -->
    <hr class="my-4 card-outline-primary" style="border-color:#CC_BORDER;">
    <!-- ===== ATTACKS SECTION ================================================== -->
        <!-- HEADER -->
        <div class="mb-1 text-primary display-4 text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">
        <!-- ATTACK 1 -->
        <div class="mt-3 row no-gutters">
            <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD; font-weight:600;">LOREM_ATTACK:</div>
            <div class="col text-muted">LOREM_EXTRA</div>
            <div class="col-12">LOREM</div>
        <!-- ATTACK 2 -->
        <div class="mt-3 row no-gutters">
            <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD; font-weight:600;">LOREM_ATTACK:</div>
            <div class="col text-muted">LOREM_EXTRA</div>
            <div class="col-12">LOREM</div>
        <!-- ===== ADD MORE ABOVE HERE ==========================================
        <div class="mt-3 row no-gutters">
            <div class="col-auto mr-2 text-capitalize text-primary" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD; font-weight:600;">LOREM_ATTACK:</div>
            <div class="col text-muted">LOREM_EXTRA</div>
            <div class="col-12">LOREM_DESCRIPTION</div>
        ========================================================================= -->
    <!-- ===== END ATTACKS SECTION ============================================== -->
    <!-- border -->
    <hr class="my-4 card-outline-primary" style="border-color:#CC_BORDER;">
    <!-- ===== FORM SECTION ===================================================== -->
        <!-- HEADER -->
        <div class="mb-4 text-primary display-4 text-center text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">
            <u>form section</u>
        <!-- ======== TAB BUTTONS ===============================================
        =   row no-gutters
        = don't delete or touch, allows buttons to be side by side
        =   justify-content-center
        = centers buttons on small devices
        =   justify-content-lg-between
        = evenly spaces buttons on computer
        ========================================================================= -->
        <ul class="nav nav-pills text-capitalize row no-gutters justify-content-center justify-content-lg-between" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">
            <!-- ===== NOTE ABOUT BUTTONS =========================================
            = href should have a # and should be different from one another
            = href should match an id in the tab contents below
            = only one button should have active in it's class and that's the
            = button of the content you want to see first
            = it's matching id should have active in it's class
            =   card
            = adds border, can delete. It's corners are rounded by 5px too
            =   border-radius:0px;
            = changes border radius / roundness
            =   py-2
            = top and bottom spacing between border and text. Can change to be
            = 1-5 or delete
            ===================================================================== -->
            <!-- ===== BUTTON 1 - ACTIVE - TAB_FRESH -->
            <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0">
                <a href="#TAB_FRESH" data-toggle="tab" class="active nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">fresh</a>
            <!-- ===== BUTTON 2 - TAB_INTRAINING =========================== -->
            <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0">
                <a href="#TAB_INTRAINING" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2 text-" style="border-radius:0px;">in-training</a>
            <!-- ===== BUTTON 3 - TAB_ROOKIES =========================== -->
            <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0">
                <a href="#TAB_ROOKIES" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">rookie</a>
            <!-- ===== BUTTON 4 - TAB_CHAMPION =========================== -->
            <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0">
                <a href="#TAB_CHAMPION" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">champion</a>
            <!-- ===== BUTTON 5 - TAB_ULTIMATE =========================== -->
            <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0">
                <a href="#TAB_ULTIMATE" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">ultimate</a>
            <!-- ===== BUTTON 6 - TAB_MEGA =========================== -->
            <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0">
                <a href="#TAB_MEGA" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">mega</a>
            <!-- ===== BUTTON 7 - TAB_SUPER =========================== -->
            <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0">
                <a href="#TAB_SUPER" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">super ultimate</a>
            <!-- ===== BUTTON 8 - TAB_ARMOR =========================== -->
            <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0">
                <a href="#TAB_ARMOR" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">armor</a>
            <!-- ===== BUTTON 9 - TAB_OTHER =========================== -->
            <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0">
                <a href="#TAB_OTHER" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">other</a>
            <!-- ===== ADD MORE ABOVE HERE ======================================
            <li class="nav-item card card-outline-primary rounded-0">
                <a href="#TAB_LOREM" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link py-2" style="border-radius:0px;">LOREM</a>
            ===================================================================== -->
        <!-- ======== END HEADERS / TAB BUTTONS ================================= -->
        <!-- ======== TAB CONTENT =============================================== -->
        <div class="tab-content pt-4 pb-3 px-3 card card-outline-primary rounded-0" style="border-color:#CC_BORDER;">
            <!-- ===== NOTE ABOUT TABS ==========================================
            = id should NOT have a # and should be different from one another
            = id should match a href in the tab contents below
            = only one tab should have active in it's class and that's the tab
            = you want to see first
            = it's matching button should have active in it's class
            ===================================================================== -->
            <!-- ===== COPY AND ADD MORE CHARACTERS IN TABS =====================
            <div class="mx-auto flex-column col-auto">
                <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                    <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                        object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM</a>
            ===================================================================== -->
            <!-- ========== TAB 1 - ACTIVE - TAB_FRESH ========================== -->
            <div id="TAB_FRESH" class="active tab-pane">
                <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;">
                    <!-- CHAR 1 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 1 -->
                    <!-- CHAR 2 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 2 -->
                    <!-- CHAR 3 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 3 -->
                    <!-- CHAR 4 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 4 -->
                    <!-- CHAR 5 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 5 -->
            <!-- END TAB 1 - ACTIVE - TAB_FRESH ================================= -->
            <!-- ========== TAB 2 - TAB_INTRAINING ============================== -->
            <div id="TAB_INTRAINING" class="tab-pane fade">
                <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;">
                    <!-- CHAR 1 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 1 -->
                    <!-- CHAR 2 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 2 -->
            <!-- ========== END TAB 2 - TAB_INTRAINING ========================== -->
            <!-- ========== TAB 3 - TAB_ROOKIES ================================= -->
            <div id="TAB_ROOKIES" class="tab-pane fade">
                <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;">
                    <!-- CHAR 1 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 1 -->
                    <!-- CHAR 2 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 2 -->
            <!-- ========== END TAB 3 - TAB_ROOKIES ============================= -->
            <!-- ========== TAB 4 - TAB_CHAMPION ================================ -->
            <div id="TAB_CHAMPION" class="tab-pane fade">
                <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;">
                    <!-- CHAR 1 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 1 -->
            <!-- ========== END TAB 4 - TAB_CHAMPION ============================ -->
            <!-- ========== TAB 5 - TAB_ULTIMATE ================================ -->
            <div id="TAB_ULTIMATE" class="tab-pane fade">
                <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;">
                    <!-- CHAR 1 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 1 -->
            <!-- ========== END TAB 5 - TAB_ULTIMATE ============================ -->
            <!-- ========== TAB 6 - TAB_MEGA ==================================== -->
            <div id="TAB_MEGA" class="tab-pane fade">
                <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;">
                    <!-- CHAR 1 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 1 -->
            <!-- ========== END TAB 6 - TAB_MEGA ================================ -->
            <!-- ========== TAB 7 - TAB_SUPER =================================== -->
            <div id="TAB_SUPER" class="tab-pane fade">
                <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;">
                    <!-- CHAR 1 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 1 -->
            <!-- ========== END TAB 7 - TAB_SUPER =============================== -->
            <!-- ========== TAB 8 - TAB_ARMOR =================================== -->
            <div id="TAB_ARMOR" class="tab-pane fade">
                <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;">
                    <!-- CHAR 1 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 1 -->
            <!-- ========== END TAB 8 - TAB_ARMOR =============================== -->
            <!-- ========== TAB 9 - TAB_OTHER =================================== -->
            <div id="TAB_OTHER" class="tab-pane fade">
                <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;">
                    <!-- CHAR 1 -->
                    <div class="flex-column col-auto">
                        <!-- avatar -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK">
                            <img class="mx-auto card rounded-circle card-outline-primary" style="height:150px; width:150px; border-color:#CC_BORDER;
                                object-fit:cover; object-position:top center;"
                        <!-- char name -->
                        <a href="LOREM_LINK" class="mt-1 text-center text-primary text-capitalize" style="font-family:'Georgia'; color:#CC_HEAD;">LOREM_NAME</a>
                    <!-- END CHAR 1 -->
            <!-- ========== END TAB 9 - TAB_OTHER =============================== -->
            <!-- ===== ADD MORE TABS ABOVE HERE =================================
            <div id="LOREM" class="tab-pane fade">
                <div class="justify-content-center"><div class="align-items-center" style="overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;">
            ===================================================================== -->
        <!-- ======== END TAB CONTENT =========================================== -->
    <!-- ===== END FORM SECTION ================================================= -->
    <!-- ===== CREDITS - FEEL FREE TO EDIT OR MOVE BUT DON'T DELETE ============= -->
    <div class="text-right">
        <a href="https://toyhou.se/28207163.ftu-custom-for-zairenzu" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Code by Ansuperope"><i class="fa-solid fa-trash fa-2xs"></i></a>
        <a href="https://toyhou.se/Zairenzu" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Layout by Zairenzu"><i class="fa-solid fa-table-layout fa-2xs"></i></a>
<!-- END CODE =================================================================== -->

Password (optional)

Users must enter a password before unlocking this specific version. Please note that this password will only apply to this version.