world permissions
created by:sunxrice
<!-- world permissions by sunxrice please refer to symbol key for the individual fa-square symbols and text-colors! anything that says "fa-square text-body" is something you probably need to change --> <div class="container"> <!-- title --> <h1 style="font-family:courier new; font-size:3em; font-weight:600"> <a class="text-muted" style="font-size:0.8em; font-weight:300; text-decoration:none" href="mainworldpage">worldname /</a> PERMISSIONS <i class="fal fa-memo-circle-info fa-xs"></i> </h1> <!-- /title --> <!-- quote / tagline --> <blockquote class="my-3 text-muted" style="font-family:courier new; font-size:1.2em; font-style:italic"> This page contains things to take note of when making content of worldname. </blockquote> <!-- /quote --> <!-- symbol key --> <div class="card p-2 text-center"> <p class="justify-content-around"> <span><i class="fal fa-square-check text-success"></i> allowed </span> <span><i class="fal fa-square-star text-secondary"></i> friends only </span> <span><i class="fal fa-square-minus text-warning"></i> depends </span> <span><i class="fal fa-square-question text-info"></i> ask </span> <span><i class="fal fa-square-xmark text-danger"></i> not allowed </span> <span><i class="mx-1 fas fa-circle-info fa-xs text-muted tooltipster" title="hover over this icon to see explanation."></i> hover info </span> </p> </div> <!-- /symbol --> <hr> <!-- desc --> <div class="text-justify my-3"> <h1 style="font-family:courier new; font-size:2em; font-weight:600"> HEADING <i class="fal fa-star fa-xs"></i> </h1> <p>description section for any notes that require long descriptions. note: this code isn't only for permissions but can also be used to put in design notes for the whole world. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.</p> <ul class="my-3"> <li>maybe put a list or something idk.</li> <li>content</li> </ul> </div> <!-- /desc --> <hr> <div class="row mx-lg-5"> <!-- art --> <div class="col-sm-6 my-2"> <h1 style="font-family:courier new; font-size:2em; font-weight:600"> things <i class="fal fa-pen-nib fa-xs"></i> </h1> <ul class="fa-ul ml-2 my-1"> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> illustration </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> 3d models </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> writing <i class="mx-1 fas fa-circle-info fa-xs text-muted tooltipster" title="hover info. put this on anything that needs to be explained."></i> </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> headcanons </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> physical items </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- put more above this line --> </ul> </div> <!-- /art --> <!-- interactions --> <div class="col-sm-6 my-2"> <h1 style="font-family:courier new; font-size:2em; font-weight:600"> interactions <i class="fal fa-scissors fa-xs"></i> </h1> <ul class="fa-ul ml-2 my-1"> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> with each other </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> with (my) characters from different stories <i class="mx-1 fas fa-circle-info fa-xs text-muted tooltipster" title="hover info. put this on anything that needs to be explained."></i> </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> with others' characters </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> non-canon platonic ships </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> non-canon romantic ships </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> platonic interaction </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> romantic interaction </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> suggestive </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> nsfw </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> negative interaction </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- put more above this line --> </ul> </div> <!-- /interactions --> <!-- links --> <div class="col-sm-6 my-2"> <h1 style="font-family:courier new; font-size:2em; font-weight:600"> themes <i class="fal fa-clipboard fa-xs"></i> </h1> <ul class="fa-ul ml-2 my-1"> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> canon </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> non-canon <i class="mx-1 fas fa-circle-info fa-xs text-muted tooltipster" title="hover info. put this on anything that needs to be explained."></i> </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> joke / meme </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> mild injury </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> moderate gore </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> extreme gore </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> violence </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> horror </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> eyestrain </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> other sensitive topics not mentioned here </li> <!-- put more above this line --> </ul> </div> <!-- /links --> <!-- design --> <div class="col-sm-6 my-2"> <h1 style="font-family:courier new; font-size:2em; font-weight:600"> design changes <i class="fal fa-pencil fa-xs"></i> </h1> <ul class="fa-ul ml-2 my-1"> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> outfit <i class="mx-1 fas fa-circle-info fa-xs text-muted tooltipster" title="hover info. put this on anything that needs to be explained."></i> </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> hairstyle </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> gender (expression) </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> age </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> body (shapes / colors) </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> color palette (non-body) </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> complexity (simplifying / adding details) </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> as humanoid </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> as anthro </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> as feral </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 fal fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- put more above this line --> </ul> </div> <!-- /design --> </div> <p class="text-center my-2"> <a class="fal fa-sun-haze tooltipster" title="code by sunxrice" href=""></a> </p> </div> <!-- end -->