art wishlist
created by:sunxrice
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<!-- art info by sunxrice accent color: #358fe9 use find and replace! please refer to symbol key for the individual fa-square symbols and text-colors! anything that says "fa-square text-body" is something you probably need to change --> <div class="container" style="max-width:940px"> <div class="row"> <!-- sidebar--> <div class="col-sm-3 bg-faded p-3 mb-3"> <div class="sticky-top py-2"> <!-- title / header --> <p class="text-center mb-2" style="font-size:1.2em"> <b style="color:#358fe9">yourname</b>'s art info </p> <p>put a short description here if you want idk</p> <!-- symbol key --> <div class="card p-2 my-3"> <ul class="fa-ul ml-2 my-0"> <!-- preferred, wanted, "please draw" --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square-heart text-primary "></span> most wanted </li> <!-- allowed, okay --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square-check text-success "></span> allowed </li> <!-- friends only, depends on artist --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square-star text-secondary "></span> friends only </li> <!-- maybe, depends on character / situation --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square-minus text-warning "></span> depends </li> <!-- ask before drawing (for info / permission ) --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square-question text-info "></span> ask </li> <!-- not allowed at all / creator only --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square-xmark text-danger "></span> not allowed </li> </ul> </div> <!-- /symbol --> <!-- af info --> <!-- username --> <p class="my-0 justify-content-between"> <b style="color:#358fe9">artfight username</b> <a class="text-right" style="color:#358fe9" href="aflink"> username </a> </p> <!-- current team --> <p class="my-0 justify-content-between"> <b style="color:#358fe9">team</b> <span class="text-right"> content </span> </p> <!-- friendly fire --> <p class="my-0 justify-content-between align-items-center"> <b style="color:#358fe9">friendly fire</b> <span class="text-right far fa-square text-body "></span> </p> <!-- revenge --> <p class="my-0 justify-content-between align-items-center"> <b class="tooltipster" style="color:#358fe9" title="will i revenge you at all?">revenge</b> <span class="text-right far fa-square text-body "></span> </p> <!-- revenge chain --> <p class="my-0 justify-content-between align-items-center"> <b class="tooltipster" style="color:#358fe9" title="will i revenge you multiple times / start a chain?">revenge chain</b> <span class="text-right far fa-square text-body "></span> </p> <!-- /af --> <hr> <!-- non af info - other things outside af --> <!-- art trades --> <p class="my-0 justify-content-between align-items-center"> <b style="color:#358fe9">art trades</b> <span class="text-right far fa-square text-body "></span> </p> <!-- gift art --> <p class="my-0 justify-content-between align-items-center"> <b class="tooltipster" style="color:#358fe9" title="are other people allowed to draw my characters without asking (outside of artfight)?">gift art</b> <span class="text-right far fa-square text-body "></span> </p> <!-- /non --> <hr> <!-- code credit --> <p class="text-center"><a class="far fa-sun-haze tooltipster" style="color:#358fe9" title="code by sunxrice" href=""></a></p> </div> </div> <!-- /sidebar --> <!-- main content --> <div class="col-sm px-3"> <!-- individual characters - "favorite ocs", ocs you would like drawn the most --> <div class="bg-faded text-center py-2 mb-2"> <b style="color:#358fe9; font-size:1.2em">favorite ocs</b> <div class="flex-wrap justify-content-center"> <!-- character --> <div class="p-0 pt-5 m-2 card" style="min-width:100px; background-position:center; background-size:cover; background-image:url(); "><a class="p-1 text-light" style="background:rgba(0,0,0,0.75)" href=""> character </a> </div> <!-- character --> <div class="p-0 pt-5 m-2 card" style="min-width:100px; background-position:center; background-size:cover; background-image:url(); "><a class="p-1 text-light" style="background:rgba(0,0,0,0.75)" href=""> character </a> </div> <!-- character --> <div class="p-0 pt-5 m-2 card" style="min-width:100px; background-position:center; background-size:cover; background-image:url(); "><a class="p-1 text-light" style="background:rgba(0,0,0,0.75)" href=""> character </a> </div> <!-- character --> <div class="p-0 pt-5 m-2 card" style="min-width:100px; background-position:center; background-size:cover; background-image:url(); "><a class="p-1 text-light" style="background:rgba(0,0,0,0.75)" href=""> character </a> </div> <!-- put more characters above this line - keep it to a low amount (3 or 4 is probably ideal) --> </div> </div> <!-- /individual --> <!-- ships --> <div class="row bg-faded mx-0 my-2 p-2"> <b class="col-12" style="color:#358fe9; font-size:1.2em">oc ships</b> <div class="col-lg-7" style="max-height:400px; overflow-y:auto"> <!-- ship --> <div class="d-flex my-2"> <!-- image --> <div class="card p-3 mr-2" style="min-width:100px; background-position:center; background-size:cover; background-image:url() "></div> <!-- info --> <div> <p class="mb-0" style="font-size:1.2em"> <a style="font-weight:bold; color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> and <a style="font-weight:bold; color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> </p> <p> <b style="color:#358fe9"> (romantic) </b> describe here. keep it short. </p> </div> </div> <!-- /ship --> <!-- ship --> <div class="d-flex my-2"> <!-- image --> <div class="card p-3 mr-2" style="min-width:100px; background-position:center; background-size:cover; background-image:url() "></div> <!-- info --> <div> <p class="mb-0" style="font-size:1.2em"> <a style="font-weight:bold; color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> and <a style="font-weight:bold; color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> </p> <p> <b style="color:#358fe9"> (platonic) </b> entire section scrolls if too long so put as many ships as you want but still. keep short </p> </div> </div> <!-- /ship --> <!-- ship --> <div class="d-flex my-2"> <!-- image --> <div class="card p-3 mr-2" style="min-width:100px; background-position:center; background-size:cover; background-image:url() "></div> <!-- info --> <div> <p class="mb-0" style="font-size:1.2em"> <a style="font-weight:bold; color:#358fe9" href="">character</a>, <a style="font-weight:bold; color:#358fe9" href="">character</a>, and <a style="font-weight:bold; color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> </p> <p> <b style="color:#358fe9"> (sibling) </b> you can also have more than 2 characters! </p> </div> </div> <!-- /ship --> <!-- ship --> <div class="d-flex my-2"> <!-- image --> <div class="card p-3 mr-2" style="min-width:100px; background-position:center; background-size:cover; background-image:url() "></div> <!-- info --> <div> <p class="mb-0" style="font-size:1.2em"> <a style="font-weight:bold; color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> and <a style="font-weight:bold; color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> </p> <p> <b style="color:#358fe9"> (etc) </b> stuff in parentheses is the type of relationship (friends, siblings, etc etc) </p> </div> </div> <!-- /ship --> <!-- put more ships above this line --> </div> <div class="col-lg py-2" style="max-height:400px; overflow-y:auto"> <!-- other ships --> <ul class="fa-ul ml-2 my-0"> <!-- ship --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-heart"></span> <a style="color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> and <a style="color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> (type) </li> <!-- ship --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-heart"></span> <a style="color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> and <a style="color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> (type) </li> <!-- ship --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-heart"></span> <a style="color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> and <a style="color:#358fe9" href="">character</a> (type) </li> <!-- put more above this line --> </ul> <!-- /other --> <hr> <!-- interaction permissions --> <ul class="fa-ul ml-2 my-0"> <!-- diff universe interaction --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> characters from different stories interact </li> <!-- diff creator interaction --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> interactions with others' characters </li> <!-- thing --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> non-canon ships </li> <!-- content --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- put more above this line --> </ul> <!-- /interaction --> </div> </div> <!-- /ships --> <!-- other character related permissions --> <div class="row mx-n1"> <!-- themes --> <div class="col-sm bg-faded px-4 py-3 mx-1 my-2 my-sm-0"> <b style="color:#358fe9; font-size:1.2em">themes</b> <ul class="fa-ul ml-2 my-1"> <!-- joke --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> joke art </li> <!-- gore --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> moderate gore </li> <!-- gore+ --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> extreme gore </li> <!-- body horror --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> body horror </li> <!-- nudity --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> nudity </li> <!-- nsfw --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> nsfw / suggestive </li> <!-- thing --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- thing --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- put more above this line --> </ul> <p>notes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.</p> </div> <!-- /themes --> <!-- design changes --> <div class="col-sm bg-faded px-4 py-3 mx-1 my-2 my-sm-0"> <b style="color:#358fe9; font-size:1.2em">design changes</b> <ul class="fa-ul ml-2 my-1"> <!-- outift --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> different outfit </li> <!-- hairstyle --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> different hairstyle </li> <!-- gender --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> different gender </li> <!-- body --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> different body type </li> <!-- race --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> different race </li> <!-- species --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> different species (i.e. changing a human to a cat) </li> <!-- simple --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> simplifying design </li> <!-- complex --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> complexifying design </li> <!-- thing --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- thing --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- put more above this line --> </ul> <p>notes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.</p> </div> <!-- /design --> </div> <!-- /other --> <!-- misc --> <div class="bg-faded px-4 py-3 mx-0 my-2"> <b style="color:#358fe9; font-size:1.2em">general wishlist</b> <ul class="ml-n3 my-1"> <!-- list item --> <li> put general things you want here. </li> <!-- list item --> <li> content </li> <!-- list item --> <li> content </li> <!-- put more above this line --> </ul> <hr> <b style="color:#358fe9; font-size:1.2em">other notes</b> <ul class="fa-ul ml-2 my-1"> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> put other things you might want people to take note of here. </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- list item --> <li><span class="mr-2 far fa-square text-body "></span> content </li> <!-- put more above this line --> </ul> <p>notes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.</p> </div> <!-- /misc --> </div> <!-- /main --> </div> </div> <!-- end -->